So you have a dream come true It brightens this world.

It grew up Buddha, Christ, Lao Tzu
Message from Space Consciousness (goddess).
From Sherman’s Blog (The Emperor’s Pedigree).

31 ・ 3 ・ 25

This morning when the PC was launched at 8: 6, the words “Even if you cry or laugh,” floated in the brain and peeped in, so when you type that title, the following words are told Came.

“Even if it cry or laugh, Toki passes.

That Toki is all life and life.

A dream is something that reflects the day’s Toki.

But your dream is to create the future.

So you have a dream come true
It brightens this world. 8:10
In any case,
I will have reached the “life, religion, namas.=Give a life and obedience,To live and follow the teachings of Buddha. =帰命” that “human, The Soul is stay=霊留,hito=ひと” are seeking forever.
There is no need for words anymore, so it will be “牟尼 世尊自適”.

So, finally, the past events will be summarized, and speaking in a single word, “I will solve the mystery of Toki and it will be proof of God.”

The Formation and Meaning of Japanese Toki (紀. = Toki)
1. Stop it. Correct
2. Clues. start
3. The point. Key point
4. Thin rope
5. The way people should go
6. Settle
7. Twelve years
8. The world. I say a hundred years now
9. Year and month. age
10. inscribe. write
11. A history book describing matters concerning the emperor

1. おさめる。正す
2. 糸口。始め
3. 要点。要所
4. 細い綱
5. 人のふみ行うべき道
6. おきて
7. 十二年間
8. 世。今は百年をいう
9. 歳月。とし
10. しるす。書く
11. 歴史書の中でも帝王に関する事柄を記述したもの)

31 ・ 3 ・ 26
“Today is for you
That is an irreplaceable, wonderful day.

You worked hard so far.

Thanks to you, a new program has been created.

That is impossible with other people.

That you do nothing,
Thinking about everything,
I have instructed.

But that instruction also ended yesterday.

So from today you are totally free
You have to act with your own thoughts.

It is different from before to your will
It also means that this is going to follow.

So you have a serious responsibility
Because it will be accompanied by anything
It means that you need to be careful.

But there is nothing to worry about that.

Because your thoughts and ours are one thing. “8:47

As it is clear from the contents of this sentence, what happened on my body is that what is expressed in the word “梵我一如. =Tat Tvam Asi” is a phenomenon that has become a phenomenon in reality, and it is my personal event Rather, it is to say that it is the program, plan and intention of the whole universe.

And that would be the world that means the word “only one” that was told yesterday.

※ Tat Tvam Asi.=Tat Tvam Asi (Devanagari: तत्त्वमसि, Vedic: tát túvam ási), a Sanskrit phrase, translated variously as “Thou art that,” (That thou art, That art thou, You are that, or That you are, or You’re it) is one of the Mahāvākyas (Grand Pronouncements) in Vedantic Sanatana Dharma. It originally occurs in the Chandogya Upanishad 6.8.7,[1] in the dialogue between Uddalaka and his son Śvetaketu; it appears at the end of a section, and is repeated at the end of the subsequent sections as a refrain. The meaning of this saying is that the Self – in its original, pure, primordial state – is wholly or partially identifiable or identical with the Ultimate Reality that is the ground and origin of all phenomena.

Major Vedantic schools offer different interpretations of the phrase:

Advaita – absolute equality of ‘tat’, the Ultimate Reality, Brahman, and ‘tvam’, the Self, Atman.
Shuddhadvaita – oneness in “essence” between ‘tat’ and individual self; but ‘tat’ is the whole and self is a part.
Vishishtadvaita – identity of individual self as a part of the whole which is ‘tat’, Brahman.
Dvaitadvaita – equal non-difference and difference between the individual self as a part of the whole which is ‘tat’.
Dvaita of Madhvacharya – “Sa atmaa-tat tvam asi” in Sanskrit is actually “Sa atma-atat tvam asi” or “Atman, thou art not that”. In refutation of Mayavada (Mayavada sata dushani), text 6, ‘tat tvam asi” is translated as “you are a servant of the Supreme (Vishnu)”
Acintya Bheda Abheda – inconceivable oneness and difference between individual self as a part of the whole which is ‘tat’.
(Wikipedia )


今朝は、8時6分にPCを立ち上げると「泣いても 笑っても」との言葉が、脳内に浮かんで・湧いて来たので、其の題を打つと、続きの言葉が告げられて来た。

「泣いても 笑っても トキは過ぎていく。

其のトキこそが 全ての命・いのち。

夢は 其の日のトキを映すモノ。

ですが 貴方の夢は 未来を創って行くモノです。

ですから 貴方が楽しい夢を見る事が
この世を明るくするのです。 」    8時10分

其れで、最後に此れまでの出来事を纏めて、一言で話すと「私は トキの謎を解いて 神の証明を果たした」と謂う事に成るのであろう。
『今日は 貴方にとって
何にも換え難い 日と成ります。

貴方は 此処まで 良く頑張りましたね。

貴方のお陰で 新しいプログラムが 創られました。

其れは 他の人間では 不可能な事なのです。

貴方には 何もしない事と
全ての事を想う事を 指示して来ました。

ですが 其の指示も昨日で 終わりました。

ですから 本日から 貴方は 全くの自由であり
自分自身の考えで 行動をしなければ成りません。

其れは 此れまでとは違い 貴方の意思に
此方が従って行く事に 成ると言う事でもあります。

ですから 貴方には 重大な責任が
伴う事に成りますので 何事にも
注意が必要であると 言う事に成ります。

ですが 其の事を 負担に思う事は有りません。

何故なら 貴方の意いと 此方は一体だからです。」8時47分



# Tat Tvam Asi
#Even if it cry or laugh

“the day, that time”

It grew up Buddha, Christ, Lao Tzu

Message from Space Consciousness (goddess).


From Sherman’s Blog (The Emperor’s Pedigree)


The words “Prepare for change” and “hazard map”, which are told this morning, are not only the meaning of “dangerous” events, but rather, events that you do not think or can not predict, are accidental. As it happens frequently like events, it is about preparing for those events and changes, and it may be related to the words of the Bible.

That is not to say that even if you decide not to be involved in a dangerous thing or dangerous world yourself, various incidents will come down to yourself, as in a coincidence.

If you think so, it may be that the voice of a man who has told you about it has something to do with “Jesus Christ.”

Key “like a thief”

24:32 “Now learn this illustration from the fig tree: Just as soon as its young branch grows tender and sprouts its leaves, you know that summer is near.  33 Likewise also you, when you see all these things, know that he is near at the doors.  34 Truly I say to you that this generation will by no means pass away until all these things happen. 35 Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will by no means pass away.

36 “Concerning that day and hour nobody knows, neither the angels of the heavens nor the Son, but only the Father.  37 For just as the days of Noah were, so the presence* of the Son of man will be.  38 For as they were in those days before the Flood, eating and drinking, men marrying and women being given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, 39 and they took no note until the Flood came and swept them all away, so the presence of the Son of man will be. 40 Then two men will be in the field; one will be taken along and the other abandoned. 41 Two women will be grinding at the hand mill; one will be taken along and the other abandoned.  42 Keep on the watch, therefore, because you do not know on what day your Lord is coming.

43 “But know one thing: If the householder had known in what watch the thief was coming, he would have kept awake and not allowed his house to be broken into.

24:44 So beware of you. Because the Son of Man comes at an unexpected time. Matthew 24: 42-44

According to the words of this Bible, the voice of a man who told him on July 8 that “who is the one who stops writing” has a relationship with Christ, and the world of “words, logos, prophecy” is resurrected. It may be to say that I came.

That is to say that the instruction from God of heaven (Heavenly action) comes down, and it is to say that “the day, that time” starts as a reality.


“That is the image of a new god (action)

It is to say that you have to Create it

It means that deep insights are essential to yourself.


Therefore, I gave necessary personnel this time.

So we need to talk to the person in charge and move on.


In order to do that, you don’t focus on other things

You have to work seriously with that person.


However, you must not stand on your own.

If not protected

This program also ends in failure.


And this program is

You’re well on your way, so rest assured. 9:00








24:32 いちじくの木から、たとえを学びなさい。枝が柔らかになって、葉が出て来ると、夏の近いことがわかります。

24:33 そのように、これらのことのすべてを見たら、あなたがたは、人の子が戸口まで近づいていると知りなさい。

24:34 まことに、あなたがたに告げます。これらのことが全部起こってしまうまでは、この時代は過ぎ去りません。

24:35 この天地は滅び去ります。しかし、わたしのことばは決して滅びることがありません。

24:36 ただし、その日、その時がいつであるかは、だれも知りません。天の御使いたちも子も知りません。ただ父だけが知っておられます。

24:37 人の子が来るのは、ちょうど、ノアの日のようだからです。

24:38 洪水前の日々は、ノアが箱舟に入るその日まで、人々は、飲んだり、食べたり、めとったり、とついだりしていました。

24:39 そして、洪水が来てすべての物をさらってしまうまで、彼らはわからなかったのです。人の子が来るのも、そのとおりです。

24:40 そのとき、畑にふたりいると、ひとりは取られ、ひとりは残されます。

24:41 ふたりの女が臼をひいていると、ひとりは取られ、ひとりは残されます。

24:42 だから、目をさましていなさい。あなたがたは、自分の主がいつ来られるか、知らないからです。

24:43 しかし、このことは知っておきなさい。家の主人は、どろぼうが夜の何時に来ると知っていたら、目を見張っていたでしょうし、また、おめおめと自分の家に押し入られはしなかったでしょう。

24:44 だから、あなたがたも用心していなさい。なぜなら、人の子は、思いがけない時に来るのですから。  マタイの福音書 24章42-44節




『それは 貴方が新しい 神(はたらき)のイメージを


貴方自身に 深い洞察力が必要不可欠であると言う事です。


その為に 今回 必要な人材を与えました。

ですから その人物と能く話し合って 事を進める必要が有ります。


その為には 他の事に意識を向けるのではなく

その人物と 真剣に事を図らなければ成りません。


ですが くれぐれも自分が矢面に立ってはいけませんよ。


今回のプログラムも 失敗に終わってしまいます。


それに 今回のプログラムは

順調に進んでいるので 安心なさいね。』   9時00分


#hazard map

#Buddha, (the cosmic consciousness that raised Buddha)

#Christ, (the cosmic consciousness that raised Christ)

#cosmic consciousness




#Matthew 24: 42-44

#Heavenly action

#the day, that time

#Emperor’s Pedigree

A dream from the cosmic consciousness that the emperor ‘s pedigree in Japan sees.2019,3,3

A dream from the cosmic consciousness that the emperor ‘s pedigree in Japan sees.

When I sleep again, this time I saw that various worlds I experienced 34 years ago have been reflected one after another, and that it is a condition that is condition for becoming “Emperor’s” I came.
That is the following matter.
· Living in a remote mountain area.
· Condition of living water without impurities.
· Living without using characters.
· Do not destroy forest environment.
· Make friends with small birds and insects.
· Even if you eat crops in a field with an animal it does not have enemy pride (a fight for burning anger against an enemy and trying to defeat it).
· Information blocking of human society.
· Do not make contact with people other than necessary.
From the words “This is the most powerful” and “The object is not a thing” that I was told at the beginning this morning, what I could interpret was “form is emptiness and the very emptiness is form(「色即是空 空即是色」)” Form is emptiness(色即是空) ” It means that the meaning of the word begins as reality, and that this is the most powerful phenomenon in this three-dimensional world where we live.
That is because, when I jumped into this world 34 years ago, there is a relationship with things disappearing and appearing, the world of things that we certainly will exist is actually a provisional world, To say that there is no reality is that it will become apparent to anyone’s eyes as a reality. It may be said that the story of Moses in the Old Testament and the story of Jesus described in the New Testament may possibly happen in the present world.

As human consciousness becomes God consciousness,
May the truth be revealed.

Original text

今朝最初に告げられて来た、「是は一番強力」「物が物ではなくなる」との言葉から、私が解釈できたのは般若心経の「色即是空 空即是色」の言葉の「色即是空」との言葉の意味が、現実の事として始まると言う事であり、其れが此の我々の住む三次元世界では、最も強力な現象と成るとの理・ことなのであろう。

#色即是空 空即是色
#cosmic consciousness